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Our mission is to maintain and improve the health, productivity, and biodiversity of the land and waterways in the LNLG area.
As in many areas of Victoria, weed control and revegetation are primary issues within our area. Pest, plant and animal issues are widespread in the area. Soils of the area are also susceptible to erosion and acidification. Landslip, tunnel, gully and stream bank erosion occur.
We are in the process of developing an action plan to assist us in achieving the above objectives.



 We always welcome new members and membership has been set at $35.00 including GST, for the 2024 calendar year.  

Please contact us or apply for membership of the group by using the form below.

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Message Sent

Please pay your membership of $35.00 to by direct deposit to
Account name: Landcare Victoria Inc. Loch Nyora Group BSB: 633 000 Account: 1625 34127 using your name as reference (please use the same name as the application)
Privacy Statement; Please note the Loch Nyora Landcare Group is Incorporated through Landcare Victoria Inc. and insured through the same. Your details will be shared with LVI to activate your membership and insurance.